Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

ConDFW Report

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, February 23, 2015

Better late than never, I suppose. I spent most of last week trying to fight off the crud, and just wasn't up to writing.

This year I was a vendor as well as a program participant at ConDFW. Thursday night I checked in...and managed one of my patent pending klutzy moves, meaning I spent the weekend limping around and with a wrist in brace for most of the time. 

Friday's alternate history panel was fun, even though I had an asthma attack. Then we went down for dinner. One thing this hotel needs is some lower-priced food options in the evening.$46 before tip for two people (no alcohol) is kinda high. They did have a reasonably priced food station going during the day, and I did take advantage of it. But I really wasn't keen on leaving to go find food because the half the freeway interchange was shut down for construction. Not ConDFW's fault, but the last thing I wanted to do after a long day was to fight construction traffic.

Saturday Lorretta Morgan and I tag-teamed the Wearable Electronics panel. It went over well, and I was pleased with the response. I think the tag-team format worked well. While one of us talked, the other was passing stuff around or prepping the next part of the presentation. It kept things moving nicely. 

Sunday was the fascinator demo. I was really looking forward to that, and only a couple of people attended, which was disappointing. I hope they learned something. The Mad Hatters panel later in the day was better attended.

Sadly, the dealer room was dead. I did do well in the art show this year, but I didn't sell enough to cover my dealer table fees. My table partner got the viral stomach crud that was going around and had to back out Saturday and Sunday, which meant there were times the table was unattended. I'll give it one more year and see if it improves. When a con moves hotels attendance is generally off the first year. 

I spent last week doing a whole lot of nothing, and it was good. Well, it would have been better if I hadn't been fighting off the crud, but I can't have everything. 

Above all, it was great to see old friends, and I do hope to be back next year!

Filed under: Life            


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