Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Cleaning up the journal layout

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I got sick of looking at the cluttered layout and decided to do something about it.

I hope I haven't gone too minimalist. There's always a danger of that.

If you're reading this in the archive or in the low-res version, you won't see the changes...yet. And of course, you won't see them from an RSS reader, Facebook, or other places the blog gets pushed. In that case, click here to go back to the main journal page.

All the blog bling is now in a pop-up box. Click the link on the right side of the page. The navigation is also cleaned up. I may go back to regular blogroll format, but hey, this is something different.

Please let me know whether or not it works for you. Do me a favor and leave comments directly on the journal instead of Facebook or other spaces so I can keep track of all of the issues. Thanks!


Filed under: Housekeeping            


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James Mahaffey said:

Hi Julie,


I think it looks great!  I am trying to take the dive into blogging and such myself.  Here's my latest efforts as well as a mobile-type blog I am messing around with.  Let me know what you think!




Date: 11/4/2009 2:02:49 PM Date: 11/4/2009 2:02:49 PM

James Mahaffey said:



I did find one format issue.  The 'search the archives' search button and clear button layout is too wide for the side bar width.  It doesn't disply on the screen. I think the buttons are supposed to be below the 'fill in the box' box, but they are showing up to the right of it instead.




Date: 11/4/2009 2:08:52 PM Date: 11/4/2009 2:08:52 PM

Julie said:
Thanks for that. What browser are you using?

Date: 11/4/2009 2:14:11 PM Date: 11/4/2009 2:14:11 PM

James Mahaffey said:

Hi Julie,


I think it looks great!  I am trying to take the dive into blogging and such myself.  Here's my latest efforts as well as a mobile-type blog I am messing around with.  Let me know what you think!




Date: 11/4/2009 2:02:49 PM Date: 11/4/2009 2:02:49 PM

James Mahaffey said:



I did find one format issue.  The 'search the archives' search button and clear button layout is too wide for the side bar width.  It doesn't disply on the screen. I think the buttons are supposed to be below the 'fill in the box' box, but they are showing up to the right of it instead.




Date: 11/4/2009 2:08:52 PM Date: 11/4/2009 2:08:52 PM

Julie said:
Thanks for that. What browser are you using?

Date: 11/4/2009 2:14:11 PM Date: 11/4/2009 2:14:11 PM

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