Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

(Oops. this didn't get posted yesterday. I was distracted when Paul walked in the door bearing chocolate. What can I say?)

When is a Monday good?
  • When I can get serious work done on a project without all hell breaking loose.
  • When I have the time to get the laundry finished in addition to the above.
  • When  new series of "I'm Sorry, I haven't a Clue" starts.
  • When I get a check in the mail.
  • When someone says something nice about me.
Taking them from the bottom up, the Plano DMN folks called me one of their favorite blog-goers. That was nice, thank you.

Before the glow from that compliment faded, the mail arrived. Tucked in amongst the bank statements I thought I'd stopped delivery on in favor of e-statements and the usual assortment of junk mail was another check - from the same folks who sent one a couple of weeks ago. Guess that means I can run the A/C in the office for another month. ;-)

Long-time readers (all three of you) know I'm a sucker for "I'm Sorry, I Haven't a Clue," a UK radio panel game billed as "the antidote to panel games." It was much fun - from the return of Swen as scorer to yet another play on "Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia." Stephen Fry was chairman today and will take the chair next week as well.

Laundry finished and all put away. That alone is a major accomplishment.

And I finally got through a major portion of a big database project. It's all downhill from here - I hope.

Thus endeth break time. Must see of I can accomplish just a little more before time to cook dinner.


Filed under: Life            


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