Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Still Among the Living...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yeah, I haven't done a proper update in a while. Rest assured it's because I've been busy putting out virtual fires on various projects, and not due to anything horrible going on. Well, that and we went to see "Star Trek" again the other day. And I had a bit of a case of cabin fever today, but used my time outside wisely.

The movie was enjoyable the second time around. We went to see it with a group of fans, so it was fun to hear everyone laughing out loud at the same bits. Still won't give anything away, but Simon Pegg was wonderful as was Zachary Quinto. Leonard Nimoy played his last dialogue scene with a twinkle in his eye. It was fun.

I've spent a lot of time stuck at the computer, working furiously to get something working. I had help, and I knew the job was dangerous when I took it. But this was one of those things that will be worth it in the long run.

I'm also working on my sleep issues. I actually had my best night in a long time on Sunday, and Sundays are usually the worst for me. Best part: No sleep-inducing substances were ingested.

By the time today came around, I had a case of cabin fever that would not quit. I couldn't concentrate on a thing. Finally, after lunch, I said to heck with it and took off to the grocery store. Oh, you know life is exciting when a trip to the grocery story is a major event! [/sarcasm] As I left the driveway, I noticed a bird had left a lovely present on the windshield. Of course, I ran out of washer fluid, which left an even worse mess.

I brought home a gallon of washer fluid and proceeded to fill the reservoir. Dang, it takes more than a gallon. While I was at it, I checked the fluids and discovered I was a bit low on oil and coolant. Ran down to Auto Zone and picked up two quarts of oil (I always like to keep extra on hand) and three gallons of washer fluid. It's cheap, and it keeps. And I always find I'm out at the worst times. Like today.

Stopped at the car wash and took care of the various bird gifts adorning the hood, came home and topped off the washer reservoir. Then I opened a quart of oil and - dang. Wrong weight. Back to Auto Zone.

The astute reader would no doubt have noticed that I'd forgotten to get coolant the last trip. I took care of that, told the clerk that no, I didn't want the fancy, expensive ignition cleaner, degunker, snake oil. I had something at home. We have something on the shelf. Can't remember what it is.

Got home topped off the fluids, and called it good.

Dang, I'd meant to get some flowers for a photo project. Went to the side of the house and found a rose that hadn't been destroyed in the recent storms. It would do. Shot a bunch of pictures this afternoon and this evening. I'll probably have something to show later.

I suspect my friends who carry around expensive high-falutin' gear would choke if they saw my setup today. My tabletop studio doubles as a sewing table. Actually, it's not a bad setup, but Chris is sewing a costume. Since I was doing closeup stuff with a single source of light, I went to the back bedroom, closed the door, and set a plant stand in front of the space behind the door. Hung up a piece of cloth for the backdrop, and I was good to go. I have light blocking curtains in the room, so I didn't have to worry about ambient light issues.

And oh, yes: Two of the Deadliest  hit the shelves in the UK last week. Allow me to quote one of the reviews on the Amazon UK site:
'Bestselling author Elizabeth George has chosen and edited each of the stories. Each is a gem and together they make a formidable collection.' (Launceston Examiner (Australia) )
Very kind words.

Well, it's pushing 10:00, and part of my cunning sleep plan (and you know what happens to cunning plans) is to try to keep a regular bedtime. As if.

Off to bed,.


Filed under: Life            


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