Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yeah, I'm late this week. Reason/excuse? I'm at "that age." Let's just leave it at that. Unless, that is, you really want to hear about the hot flashes in excruciating detail.

I thought not.

Sunday I managed to get off my tail and finish up one project. The Leap Back 2009 has released a tentative schedule. It's gonna be fun, methinks. Pre-registration is open through March 23rd. In addition to the author's panel and autograph session, I'll be taking part in the Thursday bowling tournament. Mostly, I'm looking forward to renewing old friendships and making some new ones.

Today: The rain, it raineth. And the cold, it is bitter. After a couple of weeks of wonderful weather, we've been clobbered by a late-season cold front. I hate the cold, but am very glad for the rain. We had been officially in a drought, but got over an inch and a half of rain overnight, which is more than we've had for the entire year. And we may get another couple of inches before the day is over. Looks like a pretty decent chance of rain though Saturday, and then a bit of a warm-up starting on Sunday.

There's a new What Is It? up over at Look What I Found Today. It's a double helping of wrong!

Time to go balance the checkbook, and then stare at the desk and hope that I can clean it by sheer willpower, because I don't think it'll get clean otherwise.


Filed under: Life            


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