Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, February 9, 2009

I'll make this fast; the dinner timer shall sound soon. No gong for me; I sound it for others.

Watching the back-and-forth on the stimulus bill and cringing. I agree that something should be done sooner rather than later, but I disagree with some of the cuts. Broadband is our new infrastructure. We're lagging behind the rest of the free (and not so free) world in broadband, and it's a shame.

Tried to clean the desk this weekend and ended up adding more crap instead.

Today was a typical Monday. Started off with a whole to-do list and didn't tackle a single item. Over the weekend the text box I use for comments started to act very flaky. It's acting up here on the backend as well. I like FreeTextBox, and I guess I get the support I pay for, but their forum is littered with people posting the same problem with no response but to RTM. They post back that the DID RTM and there's still this problem, yanno?


I found a workaround, but it now the textbox blows up on the local web server and works here. Go figure. While I was searching for fixes to that problem something on another web site came up. While I was working on that interruption I discovered gravatars for ASP.Net. Fix the interruption, fix the problem, spend a quarter of an hour on gravatars because I wanted to do something interesting for a change, darn it.

There goes the dinner timer. More later? We'll see.


Filed under: Life            


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