Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, February 6, 2009

Well, it's been a week, and this will be short. My sinuses are doing me in, but what else is new?

Spent much of the day tweaking stuff at the computer and still feel as though I've accomplished nothing. Lots of laundry, including an emergency comforter washing after someone left a gift for us.

Planning another entry in the Publishing Myths series, but no energy to write the darned thing.

For my next trick, I need to reboot back into the old drive so I can deactivate Photoshop and reactivate it on the new drive. I'd forgotten all about that and installed PhotoPaint XI as an emergency backup. It's not behaving very well under Windows 7, but it wasn't terribly happy under Vista, as I recall.

Have a good weekend. I plan to do a whole lot of nothing.

Famous last words, I'm sure.


Filed under: Life            


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