Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

I've Heard of This "Vacation" Thing...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, November 20, 2008

According to legend, it's a time where one takes a break from work and goes away somewhere to relax. Well, the going away part isn't going to happen, but I'm trying to make the relax part a reality, at least through Thanksgiving weekend.

I expect I'll be blogging less, but I'll still be spending time at the computer, doing some virtual housekeeping (which is generally far more fun than cleaning the REAL house) and web site updates. I'm going to take a fresh look at one of the stalled novels. And yes, I want to sit in front of the TV with a beverage and chill out.

This is the time of year that work slows down. This year, it's pretty much come to a screeching halt. But rather than cry about it, I'm going to take advantage of the situation and do something for ME.

Hey, we all deserve a break. It's just harder for me because I feel compelled to take work when it comes, especially during these tough times. And you know, if someone dropped a job in my lap this afternoon, I'd take it. Realistically, there's nothing in sight through the end of the year, so it seems wise to take some time to relax and regroup. And yes, step away from the computer once in a while.

So, please forgive me if you don't see me as much online for the next week and a half.


Filed under: Life            


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