Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, November 17, 2008

Best write this while we have power. The road construction crew is back on the block, and whatever they're doing is causing power disruptions. Oh, joy.

I have a project to finish as soon as I get a bite of lunch out of the way.

This morning I had one of those "that'll teach me" moments. I decided to dust off the exercise bike and get busy. I put on one disc from Shakespeare Retold and got to cycling.

I made it ten minutes before I collapsed in a heap of blubbering, asthmatic fat.

That'll teach me! Perhaps it was to ambitious to start in exercising while still exorcising a cold.

I sat down and watched the rest of The Taming of the Shrew. Took me darn near that long to start breathing again. This was a contemporary version, starring Shirley Henderson (American audiences might best know her as Moaning Myrtle, the ghost in the U-bend in the Harry Potter films) as Kate, a sour-tempered MP on the fast track to becoming leader of the opposition. At 38 she's probably never been kissed, much less ... you know. Rufus Sewell (Alexander Hamilton in John Adams) is Petruchio, who is determined to marry Kate partly in hopes of obtaining the means to pay off a huge tax bill. Her sister Bianca (Jaime Murray who played Lila in Dexter) is a supermodel who gets propositioned for marriage several times a week, most notably by her manager, Harry Kavanaugh (Stephen Tompkinson, Wild at Heart), but prefers an Italian student. Their mother (Twiggy) is not looking for love, but finds it in an unusual place. It all falls apart for Kate when Petruchio shows up at the wedding in a very unusual state. Of course, it's a Shakespere comedy, so I suppose you could say all's well that ends well.

This set looks good. Lots of scenery, many well-known British actors. It'll be fun to watch.

Had a meeting yesterday, which I survived. I had to take some meds to get through it and was probably half loopy through the whole thing.

And the Cowboys won. That Kiki Barber kid just might have a little talent, ya' think?

Lunch is finished, the power seems stable, so it's off to work.


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