Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Monday and I'm swamped. kthxbye.

Really, I should drop everything and write an entry at least once a day, even if it's a short entry.

Took something to help me sleep last night, and still didn't sleep. This business of not sleeping during the week and attempting to catch up on weekends is getting really old.

Got about halfway though the audio play yesterday and petered out. Perhaps I can finish it off today, after I get other work done.

Friday we drove down into Dallas to pick up a new belt for the dryer. $18 for that, and another $38 for a replacement lint filter. The filter worked...sort of. The handle had broken off and Paul had repaired the screen two or three times. It was ready to be replaced. The first thing I noticed was that this filter has a more sturdy screen. Yay.

Then we took off to the Half Price Books flagship store and rummaged around. I picked up a CD for my "golden throats" collection. I don't just collect bad food! I collect bad music, too! And speaking of bad food, I found a book full of amazing, unappetizing pictures for What Is It? Wednesday use. I plan to hit the Plano Half Price Books today. Chris is going to attempt to take a course online today, so I'll be nice and leave him with a quiet house. Make me go to the bookstore. Twist my arm. Okay, I'll go.

Work for Fencon continues apace. If you've ever been to a genre convention, you may have an idea of what goes on behind the scenes. Really, it's like putting together any other type of event. Meeting spaces must be arranged. Speakers must be engaged (and we hope they're engaging!). Schedules must be planned. We generally have 80+ guests and program participants every year and several tracks of programming, which means there's a lot to coordinate. As Programming Chair, a lot of that work falls under my responsibility. I have people to help, and I've been building some software tools to assist all of us in running the event. Still, it's a huge amount of work.

Speaking of which, it's nearly noon. I've finally just caught up on my morning correspondence and managed a start on laundry. Better go grab a little lunch and work some more...


Filed under: Life            


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Valerie said:
I can sympathize with the whole sleep dilemma, I've had the same problem in recent months and can't quite figure it out. Feel like I could pass right out during the day but then at night it's all waking up and tossing and turning. What gives!
Date: 9/10/2008 12:01:10 PM Date: 9/10/2008 12:01:10 PM

Valerie said:
I can sympathize with the whole sleep dilemma, I've had the same problem in recent months and can't quite figure it out. Feel like I could pass right out during the day but then at night it's all waking up and tossing and turning. What gives!
Date: 9/10/2008 12:01:10 PM Date: 9/10/2008 12:01:10 PM

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