Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

A couple of odds and ends

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yeah, I'm supposed to be doing the family thing, but this entry is marginally related to it.

We went to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull yesterday. I won't spoil it, but I will say that I enjoyed it. There were bits that bothered me, but I'll take it over Temple of Doom any day. In the middle of the day while school is in session is definitely the time to go see a movie. Chris was probably one of the youngest people in the audience. No ringing phones, no overscented people, no one in the row behind offering a funning commentary. All that, and two bucks off the price of a ticket.  

84F already (pushing noon) and heading for a high of 92. We decided it was too hot to eat on the patio last night, although we grilled brats outside. (That's bratwurst, not misbehaving youngsters.) We turned the misters on last night and only two of the nozzles spewed forth tiny droplets. Guess we should clean the system before it gets too hot today.

Two education-related articles:

Texas Education Board passes standard with 'no opportunity' to review it. First, they appoint a group of English teachers who spend over two years working on standards, which they reject. Then a new document get shoved under board members' hotel room doors less than an hour before the vote. It gets passed. My tax dollars at work. English teachers are probably fuming today, and I can't blame them. These are the folks who work every day with students. Shouldn't they have some sort of say? Next up: Science standards. Get out the popcorn.

Plano ISD receives IPM STAR Certification. This is one expense I applaud. Our school district has been working on better, safer, more environmentally friendly pest control (bugs, not  misbehaving younsters) for a long time. I ding the local school district for a lot of things, and it's only fair to praise them when they do something right.

Off to enjoy some more family time!

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Filed under: Life   Education         


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lisa said:
Temple of Doom is the worst!! Whenever someone mentions the title to me, my head starts hearing that obnoxious woman screaming and whining. We watched it the other weekend on TV, but left it on mute. :) INDYYYYYYYYYYYY.............. Like nails on a chalkboard.
Date: 5/24/2008 10:26:19 PM Date: 5/24/2008 10:26:19 PM

lisa said:
Temple of Doom is the worst!! Whenever someone mentions the title to me, my head starts hearing that obnoxious woman screaming and whining. We watched it the other weekend on TV, but left it on mute. :) INDYYYYYYYYYYYY.............. Like nails on a chalkboard.
Date: 5/24/2008 10:26:19 PM Date: 5/24/2008 10:26:19 PM

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