Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, April 21, 2008

It is late, and I need to hit the sack.

No, it isn't late, but it feels late. It'll probably be pushing 10:00 when I get this posted, and it's been a long weekend.

The minor crisis isn't worth talking about. But if you own a home, you know how one thing leads to another. The other in this case was an overhaul of the closet in the master bedroom.

Simple home improvement projects are never as easy as they seem. The closet was pretty much as it was when the house was built in the early part of the 1970's - green carpet on the floor (getting badly worn), bare bulb light fixture, white paint. The carpet was the first to go, and good riddance to it! We replaced it with faux wood floor vinyl tiles. Very faux. You wouldn't be fooled for a moment. But it looks so much better than the old carpet. As an added bonus, it's a lot easier to clean. We decided to repaint the walls white. It's a closet, after all - barely large enough to qualify as a walk-in, so white seemed a good choice.

We kept the shelving - it's one of the few bits of the house that hasn't fallen down or worn out. Paul replaced the fixture with a basic globe ceiling lamp. Nothing fancy, but certainly better than what we had. And the chain with the weight on the end is better than the frayed string on the old fixture!

While we had everything out we decided to go through it all with an eye to paring down. I'm happy to say that we got rid of a lot of stuff. Today I went out to Target and picked up a shoe cubby and two-drawer unit to place against the back wall. That replaces a cardboard box where we had just been tossing stuff.

This, of course, leads to more cleaning. This is never simple. While we were at it I pulled down the curtains and gave them a wash. Next I'm going to reogranize my dresser and bookcases. They're a real mess. I need to go through the rest of my clothes and see what else I can get out of the house. Saturday I took a car load of stuff (literally) down to the charity drop-off, and I'll at least have a trunk full of goodies tomorrow.

The current plan is to step away from the computer for a day or two while I see what I can get done.

And yes, Karen, this should result in some photos for the next Round Robin. You're not getting any pictures of the mess. Allow me what little dignity I have left, please. ;-)


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