Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Keeping busy

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Still lots o' stuff going on. I'm starting to hit a wall, which means I'm going to fall back to some of the lighter items on my To Do list for a while. I don't want to completely burn out.

This morning I gathered my courage and submitted a photo to JPG Magazine. What's the worst that can happen? It doesn't get picked. I can live with that. The picture has a few votes already, so at least I don't feel like a total dork with an unloved picture. I look at that badge and think, "darn, wouldn't that look good on the cover?" Of course, that's what they want you to think! Muhahaha!

Work on the DFW Fandom History Project is coming along. Right now we don't have any public info, but that will change as we get some content. If you have any connection to fandom in this area, please sign up and contribute.

Darn near shot a 600 yesterday, but petered out in the last game. Still, I'll take a 580. No complaints here, nosiree.

Better pretend to get some work done. That is, if I can pull myself away from checking the vote count on that darn picture...

Filed under: Life            


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