Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Building an ark

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, June 28, 2007

If we get any more rain, we may need one. So far we've had a little over 31 inches of rain at DFW Airport this year - normally we'd have a little over 18 inches.

And this partially explains my blogging absence. On top of all the rain a sprinkler pipe near the house burst. Of course, it's the pipe that runs to the only zone we're watering right now - a flower bed that is almost completely sheltered (who designed this house anyway?) from the elements. We found that the carpet near the front wall in two rooms was damp, which meant moving furniture and spending days drying stuff out. As far as we can tell everything is fine, and so far there have been no other leaks. Paul added more dirt to that part of the foundation last weekend. But now we see that water is pooling in another spot! At least it drains off after the rains stop, but we'll need to add more dirt this weekend.

It could be worse. Really, it could. We're counting our blessings here.

Of course, after we got all the furniture moved back into place in the living room we started to think there might be a better way to arrange things. That may be on tap for me for today. If it's still pouring with rain I'm sure not going anywhere!

Another couple of inches is forecast for today.

Still working on the family business. And I'm deep into plotting a book or two. Yes, I finally had an idea that may work. We'll see.

In the meantime, don't take my lack of blogging for anything other than it is - we're swamped here at the Manor - literally!

Oh, and I do want to say a little more about my jury experience, but I'm going to wait until after the trial. They told us they expected it to go through today or tomorrow. So perhaps next week I'll talk a little more about the process.

Thanks as usual for dropping in, and I do apologize for the lack of blogging lately.

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