Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Tuesday's entry...late

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Of course, I'm still having hardware issues, to answer your question. That's one reason there are no pictures with this entry. The second reason will be explained in the entry after this.

Chris graduated from high school yesterday. And there was MUCH rejoicing. 1200 kids walked across the stage at Reunion Arena yesterday. Amazingly, the whole ceremony was done in just about two hours. The worst part was getting down there.

We decided to take the DART train downtown since the Union Station stop is just a block away. Why fight traffic and pay $10 for parking? Seems a lot of other people had the same idea, and the trains were packed with people heading downtown. To make matters worse, there was no available parking at our local station. Rumor has it that if you don't get there by 7:00 you probably won't get a space. We dropped Chris of so he could get on the train and then drove two stops south in order to find a place to park. We squeezed onto the train and headed south. Even the DART guys were surprised at the crowds on the trains.

So the ceremony went off without a hitch. They've got that down to a science, I'll say that for them. I guess they have to in order to get that many kids across the stage in such a short time. Chris was telling me that he heard their class is the largest to graduate in N. Texas this year.

After the graduation we took the train up to Trinity Hall with my mom and sister for an early dinner. Mom had never been up there before, so it was a bit of a treat for her.

Thanks to my mom and sister and L. and A. for braving traffic and sitting through two hours of names.

Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon. Got one more important post to work on, then back to banging away on hardware.

Filed under: Life            


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