Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Word for today: ennui

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, May 7, 2007

That pretty much sums things up.

Perhaps it's the fact that I haven't slept much in the last two weeks.

Or haven't seen a paycheck in longer.

Perhaps it's my raging sinus infection.

Or the knee that will not stop hurting.

Perhaps it's because I'm tired of clients who think it's okay to pay freelancers last - and then pick and choose which invoices they want to pay.

Perhaps it's because I have a new idea for a book, but can't start gathering material until clients start paying up.

Perhaps I'm just tired of banging my head against the wall.

Oh, I get this way once in a while. What's clear right now is that I need to take a break. Don't know when I'll be back, but right now I just need to find something different to do for a few days. We'll see how far I can get on $1.98. ;-)

Filed under: Life            


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lisa said:
Enjoy your break! You deserve it :)
Date: 5/7/2007 9:34:06 PM Date: 5/7/2007 9:34:06 PM

lisa said:
Enjoy your break! You deserve it :)
Date: 5/7/2007 9:34:06 PM Date: 5/7/2007 9:34:06 PM

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