Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, March 30, 2007

This will be short. We've got more rain on the way.

Man, am I bushed! I got going early this morning and went to coffee group for the first time in ages. Then it was off to buy some materials to repair the seats in Chris' car then hit the Post Office and the store before the first round of storms hit.

Just like yesterday, the storms split up and missed us almost completely. Figures.

Got some work for a client out of the way, got a start on laundry. Posted the Feline Friday pic, then it was time to get Chris. We ran a few errands in his car then I came home, started the next batch o' laundry, and got started on a small home improvement project that's been on the back burner for a year. That's the way it goes. I get all ready to do something and then Life intervenes. It was a half-hour job to pop up a couple of small shelves in the bathroom, but do you think I had the time or the inclination? Noooo! I did today, and totally loused up the first shelf. Paul walked in while I was cussing at the project and he finished it off for me tonight. Home improvement and I don't always get along, I'm afraid. I also put up a small magnetic whiteboard so I can keep track of some dates. My new contact lenses are good for 30 days so the plan is to keep the date on the whiteboard so I'll know when to change lenses.

Went to Fry's tonight to pick up a few items, one of which is a memory card for the new pocket digicam. Today's Feline Friday pic was taken with that camera.

The smell in Chris' car is not as bad as it had been. (Thanks for the tip, Lisa. I want to try it this weekend.) It still needs some serious cleaning in spots.

So it's been nothing but run all day long. I've accomplished some things at least.

Holy cow! Don't read this at work. It's apparently a real product. I am stunned. Actually, click through to the web site and just try to read their copy with a straight face. I'm guessing that English is not someone's first language.

With that I'll leave you. Have a good weekend.

Filed under: Life            


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