Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Parental Pangs

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Well. The kid is on his way to the city so nice they named it twice - New York. I have flight numbers and will be obsessively checking the airline web site, I'm sure.

This isn't his first trip from home - he's been on Scout camping trips as far away as Colorado - but this is certainly the most distant point he's traveled without the parental units. It's also the least supervised trip. There are chaperones, but the students will be allowed to wander in groups of four. Chris can handle it. He's a good kid.

The hard part for me was dropping him off at the school and resisting the urge to give him a hug. I just got the feeling that wasn't the thing to do in front of the other kids.

Tonight he'll be sending me the link to pictures, so I'll pass along one or two good ones.

Filed under: Life            


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lisa said:
I hope he has a great time!
Date: 3/15/2007 9:50:50 AM Date: 3/15/2007 9:50:50 AM

julie said:
Thanks. They got in the air 20 minutes late. The captain's seat was broken and they had to repair it before they could take off. At least they got to stay at the gate rather than sit on the plane!
Date: 3/15/2007 11:12:28 AM Date: 3/15/2007 11:12:28 AM

lisa said:
I hope he has a great time!
Date: 3/15/2007 9:50:50 AM Date: 3/15/2007 9:50:50 AM

julie said:
Thanks. They got in the air 20 minutes late. The captain's seat was broken and they had to repair it before they could take off. At least they got to stay at the gate rather than sit on the plane!
Date: 3/15/2007 11:12:28 AM Date: 3/15/2007 11:12:28 AM

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