Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, March 2, 2007

Here we are, the end of the week. What have we accomplished? Not a lot.

Well, yes. But I've had so many things tugging at me this week if feels like I haven't done much at all.

One of the fruit trees has burst out in bloom. I plan to grab some shots today if the wind dies down. Yesterday we had 30 MPH winds, which wasn't very conducive to blossom photography.

Next week is Spring Break. You thought posting was patchy this week, just wait! I know that Chris is really looking forward to the time off. If I can get the appointments set we'll be seeing doctors next week for checkups. Nothing is wrong; we just need to do little things like get more contact lenses and asthma meds.

And then Chris is off to NYC. I'm not sure if I've said much about this. His choir is going up there in mid-March for a four-day trip. I'm looking at the itinerary, and they've got one jam-packed trip. They'll be singing at the UN and St. Bartholomew's, go to see Wicked and Madama Butterfly, take the NBC tour, take a breakfast cruise, and visit plenty of landmarks. And yes, he'll take a camera. Should be fun.

Don't forget that I'm hosting Feline Friday today. I've got some good kitty pictures ready to post this afternoon.

Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend!

Filed under: Life            


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