Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Wednesday's early

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Well, Wednesday's entry is early. I expect I'll be rather swamped tomorrow, catching up on things.

Today (a few minutes ago, actually) I met the Hulking Deadline O' Doom. I actually met it ahead of schedule. Much rejoicing. This means that I can spend tomorrow catching up on a few more things that have slid over the past month - I still have holiday photos to process, for example.

Got the quarterly taxes well and truly out of the way today. Not much else to do in that department until the paperwork starts to roll in. It's not that I'm anal (honest!) but I hate leaving the first pass at income taxes this long. I just hate nasty surprises, what can I say?

Took a little time out to shop for a sweater today. We have headshots for the GLCT production in two days, and I have nothing to wear. Yep, another by-product of the diet. I just have to buy clothes. Life is rough. Now I just need to figure out what to do with my hair.

Still mulling the Round Robin challenge. Now that I've met the deadline, I can think about what I'd like to do.

My wrist seems to be healed to the point that I can try bowling again tomorrow. I missed it last week, but I'd have been no good to the team - or to my health - had I stayed around to bowl.

I'm going to attempt an early bed tonight. After last night's fitful night, I hope I can get some sleep. See you Thursday, if not before.

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