Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, January 12, 2007

Yes, it has been a very long week. Much of the week was spent working on a web site. I'll put a link here when it goes public. The rest of the week was doing stuff for clients and nursing the wrist.

Yes, the wrist is better. Finally. Today is the first day I've gone without the wrap and as long as I limit my activity I don't seem to hurt very much.

We are in "waiting for the ice storm" mode at the Manor. Usually these things don't pan out, but this front has actually arrived ahead of schedule so we may get some nasty stuff tomorrow. The temperature has dropped thirty degrees since sunset. It's just been a plain dreary day. The only good thing I can say about it is that we really need the rain.

We stopped at the store along with hordes of others stocking up on supplies for the weekend. I honestly don't expect to be iced in, but even a little bit of ice on the roads makes for treacherous driving. I worry more about the other drivers on the road than I do for myself. If we do get some ice, we might take Chris down to the high school and let him drive on the parking lot so he can get a little experience.

And the big news - today is our wedding anniversary. 27 years. I don't know how he put up with me for all this time. We just got in from a nice dinner, so this will be short. Sorry about that, but I am just plain dead.

I do have a Feline Friday entry. Have a good weekend.

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