Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, December 18, 2006

Life continues apace. And boy, what a pace. Yesterday we finally got the tree up. Well, the men got the tree up and decorated while I finished off the Catmas cards. The loud noise you heard last night was my screaming at the printer. Again. I don't know what it is with me and printers.

Got Chris off to school late this morning. But that's okay: This is finals week and school starts for everyone at 9:00. No early classes. Actually, the final for the early class was at 9. First period was at 11. So a lot of kids really got to sleep in today if that was their wont. Two more days of finals, and Chris will be done. Thursday is the last day of school for the semester, but since he doesn't have classes for the last two periods of the day he doesn't have to show up. I'm sure he'll deal with it. Somehow.

I finally had the time this morning to get around to all of the RRs and Feline Friday participants. I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did, it was not intended. Did a little work, got the rest of the cards addressed, and then headed off to the Post Awful to stand in line at the APC. If I didn't have stamps, I'd have just gone in to drop off the mail, drop off a package, and check the box. But I decided that since I had a package to mail I may as well take care of it at the APC as long as I had to buy stamps.

It was, of course, one of the busiest days of the year. The lobby was packed and the line for the APC was long, but moving. The lady behind me looked over my shoulder during the entire transaction and tried to tell me that I couldn't buy stamps. Of course, she shut up after the machine dispensed a sheet of First Class postage. Yeesh.

Paul and I had lunch at a little Italian restaurant downtown. The service was terrible. There was only one waitress, and she was very apologetic about her predicament. We were ready to write off the place until the food arrived: Huge portions of absolutely tasty fare. And the check was under $10. I think we'll be making a return trip.

While we were downtown we swung through a couple of antique malls to look for gifts. We found no gifts, but I ended up with another fistful of cookbooks. Oh, what fodder for the Nostalgia site!

Got the kid, did a little more work, then took off to spend the afternoon Christmas shopping. Traffic was the pits, but I did find a couple of things. I really hate to shop this late, but that was an unintended consequence of this job.

My last stop was at Central Market to pick up a meal. Their prepared food is good, but close to what you'd pay in a restaurant. But I didn't have to cook AND the food was on the diet. How can I argue with that? I didn't. This picture was taken from the parking lot. It's an unadulterated cell phone shot sent directly to Flickr.


I was wishing that I had the DSLR with me because I know I'd have had a better shot. That sun was just huge on the horizon.

And yes, those are rain clouds.

The heavy work on the big job is starting to wind down. Depending on what I'm doing tomorrow I may be able to wrap most of it up. That will be good.

In the meantime, I think I'm going to put my feet up and thumb through some recipe books. Perhaps after Christmas I'll have the time to get something on the site. Right now I'm just ready to collapse.

Oh, and my torture session, I mean follow-up exam is tomorrow. That will be fun. Not.

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deslily said:
we've had a gorgeous week here in NJ.. 50s and even 60's!!... so how come i keep waiting for the other shoe to fall???
Date: 12/19/2006 9:17:03 AM Date: 12/19/2006 9:17:03 AM

deslily said:
we've had a gorgeous week here in NJ.. 50s and even 60's!!... so how come i keep waiting for the other shoe to fall???
Date: 12/19/2006 9:17:03 AM Date: 12/19/2006 9:17:03 AM

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