Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Almost ready...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Here's my day:

Went to bed early last night and was asleep by 10:00. This is very unusual, but shows how absolutely dead I was.

Up at 8:30. Slept in an hour and a half. I ache, therefore I am.

Cleaned house until noon.

Grabbed some lunch then stopped by Best Buy to get an upgrade for Corel Paint Shop Pro. They were out. Checked for the Beatles "Love" 5.1 set. $57. Ouch. There will be a sale.

Went home to start cooking and prep for the DI meeting. Found a copy of Corel at a different Best Buy. Paul took off to get that. I put together some Instant Challenges and started the rolls. Ran out of sugar, and made up the difference with the fake stuff.

Ran to the store for more real and fake sugar.

Started the DI meeting and did the ICs. Back to baking. The dough didn't rise. Discovered I'd forgotten to add the egg. Dang.

Baked brownies. Baked the pumpkin pie. Started a new batch of dough for rolls.

Did more stuff with the DI team. Got them out of the house and started dinner.

Ate dinner.

Started the rolls on the final rise. Installed Corel. Discovered it doesn't support the RAW format of my camera. They promised. Made note to e-mail after holidays. Remembered that Corel is a Canadian company. They're working. I can send a note when I have a chance.

Finished working on some pics from the weekend show and posted them.

Baked the rolls. Made the cranberry sauce. Sterilized the counter. Brought out the bird and put the rub all over it. Covered and put it back in the fridge. Cleaned and sterilized the counter again. Bagged the rolls and put the cranberry sauce and pie in the fridge.

Cleaned the stovetop and mopped the floor.

Wrote a journal entry.

Will collapse.

Tomorrow - up at 8:00 to get the bird in the oven by 8:30. Perhaps go back to bed for an hour. Depends on how I feel. Vacuum the carpets and do any other last minute cleaning that kicks up dust. Shower. Dress. Cook. Entertain relatives. Eat. Clean up. Watch ball game. Collapse.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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