Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, October 9, 2006

...or, Any Excuse to NOT Clean My Desk!

No, I really am working on the desk. Yesterday I spent some serious time catching up on HouseFans.net so I could clear a stack of papers on which I'd scribbled notes and quotes. I knew that if I filed them away that it would be that much longer before I got around to catching up on the site, so I just bit the virtual bullet and got busy. Those papers are put away. As a bonus, I managed to reogranize the associated files. Scary, huh?

I've still got a stack of folders on the copier; I just have to decide where they'll go. Some are writing-related items, so I've got a spot for them. I just have to get the energy to together to file the darned things. The rest are for Fencon. I have to decide where all that is going to live.

That will come very close to clearning the desk. My next task - once I get my copy out of the way - is to return to editing pictures. I spent quite a bit of time Friday evening editing, but the heat buildup in my PC was just too much. I guess I'll have to add a fan under the desk until I find a case that I like at a good price.

Saturday was meeting day - it was time for the Fencon wrap-up event. We discussed what went wrong - and right - this year and how we can improve for next year. It was a long meeting, but there was much to discuss. I've said this before but this is a great group to work with. I've been on comcoms from hell, and it's really refreshng to work with a group that can achieve consensus without acrimony.

I did take time out to watch the Cowboys game yesterday. The least said about that the better.

Friday night I picked up a 2 GB card for the camera. I'm starting to do a lot more shooting in RAW mode, and my 512 just doesn't cut it. The picture I'll post in a bit was shot in RAW mode. The cool thing about RAW is that I have more control over my pictures than ever before. The downside is that they take up a LOT of space. I sense a new disk drive in my future.

Fall Break is over, and now it's time to get back into the rut. I need to go earn a little money, then it's back to the desk, then back to the pictures.

Filed under: Life               


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Karen Funk Blocher said:
What is RAW? I have to confess there are a lot of camera settings I've been too intimidated/ignorant to try. That may be one of them. I think my card is 1 GB but I don't remember for sure. Haven't filled it yet.
Date: 10/20/2006 2:52:59 PM Date: 10/20/2006 2:52:59 PM

julie said:
RAW is the file format for uncompressed files. Not all digital cameras support it. When the camera saves a file as a JPG it decides on the best settings for the picture. RAW mode doesn't change a thing. If your camera does support RAW mode, then check out the beta version of Adobe Lightroom. You can fool around with it for free. Free is good.
Date: 10/20/2006 4:00:23 PM Date: 10/20/2006 4:00:23 PM

Karen Funk Blocher said:
What is RAW? I have to confess there are a lot of camera settings I've been too intimidated/ignorant to try. That may be one of them. I think my card is 1 GB but I don't remember for sure. Haven't filled it yet.
Date: 10/20/2006 2:52:59 PM Date: 10/20/2006 2:52:59 PM

julie said:
RAW is the file format for uncompressed files. Not all digital cameras support it. When the camera saves a file as a JPG it decides on the best settings for the picture. RAW mode doesn't change a thing. If your camera does support RAW mode, then check out the beta version of Adobe Lightroom. You can fool around with it for free. Free is good.
Date: 10/20/2006 4:00:23 PM Date: 10/20/2006 4:00:23 PM

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