Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Blockety, block, block

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, September 8, 2006

I've had an excruciating case of writer's block all summer long. The idea of writing through the stress and the pain hasn't played very well here at the Manor. Usually those sort of things spur me on, but now I'm simply spent. Oh, I can bang out copy okay. Anything else is like pulling teeth.

I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to listen to an audio book. Of all the things I could listen to, I picked Inconceivable. Ben Elton is a wonderful writer, and Hugh Laurie (who was in the film) and Emilia Fox did an excellent reading. Other than that, it was a terrible choice. The male protagonist spends the first half or so of the book dealing with writer's block while the female undegoes one humiliating GYN test after another. I'm going through both situations, though the tests are not in a quest for fertility. All I needed was a reminder of how crappy I'm feeling right now. But the book WAS funny.

So it's Friday. Weight loss update: I hit the 17 pound mark this morning. Yippee! It's slow, but I keep reminding myself that I didn't put this weight on overnight.

Time to get cracking. I've got laundry and sewing. Oh, and a Feline Friday pic to post. Have a good weekend, and thanks for visiting!

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