Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

No RR? What?

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Check the picture post below. That probably would have been my entry anyway. It's so darned hot here that nothing is growing. I can't even keep all of my container-grown plants alive.

In addition, I got confused on the date. I'm blonde. What can I say? ;-) I guess gearing up for school was more prominent in my mind this week.

Yes, school started today. Got Chris off to school, dealt with the larger than usual gang of idiot parent drivers. (Two lanes. One is for right turns, one is for left turns. That means don't turn left from the right-hand lane. Got it?) Chris has a double early release, which means he gets out about 2:30 instead of 4:30 or 4:15, whatever they've decided this year. The double early release is due to his taking a zero hour (I love that term) class in addition to his senior release. He's entitled to the latter because he's a senior on track to have more than enough credits to graduate.

Yes, a senior. A scary thought, that. Which reminds me: A couple of weeks ago, he got a card in the mail stating that his class ring would be shipped on August 5. We had to return it because it was damaged in shipping after it had been resized. The bottom of the ring was flat. Two days ago another postcard arrived in the mail: They've decided to remanufacture the ring, and now it's due to be shipped on Saturday. That's pretty quick, and I'm glad they're doing the right thing.

More later, perhaps. Now it's time to go throw a ball at a bunch of sticks.

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