Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

The knee aches, but...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Why is it that I manage to bowl my best when I'm at my worst? Yesterday morning I managed a 592 series. Last night was the amazing thing, though: 224-233-162=619. I'm afraid that I simply fell apart the last game. I've never had two games THAT good in a row, and it was just more than I could take. Okay, the lanes were breaking down as well, but I suspect I could have done a better job of adjusting if I'd been able to keep my act together. Still, that's my first 600 in about six months, so I'm a happy camper. The second game was also "clean," meaning that I had a strike or spare in every frame. I had another "clean" game last week, which makes a grand total of four in my lifetime - all within the last few months. In that respect, it's nice to know that I can still keep improving my game at my age.

That's one nice thing about bowling - you're not washed up once you hit thirty. In fact, I didn't take it up seriously until I was about thirty five. I know people in their 80s and 90s who still bowl, which makes bowling truly a life sport. The bowling center that I frequent is non-smoking, which means that I can generally enjoy my sport and breathe. I say generally because some days are just bad air days no matter what I do.

Today is one of those. I've already hit the inhaler once, and won't be surprised if I have to do it again. This is mainly just the rapid changes in the weather. We're at 70 F right now and don't expect the temperature to climb any higher. Last night we had rain, and more is on the way. So when the weather yo-yos between hot and cool, dry and warm, it's not easy on the lungs. But I'm going to enjoy this nice weather while I can and not let the lungs bother me if at all possible. That's why I have the meds.

I'm trying hard to take it easy on the knee for the rest of the week if I can as I've got to make some cloaks soon. It's uncomfortable to crawl around on the floor in a knee brace. Perhaps by the weekend I'll be ready - if I take it easy. Easier said than done, I'm sure. I did go to the fabric wholesaler's this morning, but I had the brains to strap on my giant knee brace first. Lots of walking and lots of stairs - but I was very careful and came out okay.

I've got some pictures to post and then I really need to see if I can catch up on a few things this afternoon. It's the kind of dreary day that just begs me to go back and crawl under the covers, and I'm tired enough that the prospect is tempting. I didn't have the best night last night due to the storms that moved through. I like the sound of the rain, but the thunder tends to wake me up.

Wow, I sound like I'm complaining. It must be the weather. I should turn on my full-spectrum desk lamp and bask in its glow.

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