Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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Writing Progress
Yes, I'm still working on the novel, but it's slow. One of my biggest problems was getting my main character into an investigation. It was reading like a bad Mary Sue. You know the type: She shows up, bats her long, luscious lashes (all the better to show off her unique shade of violet eyes) at the man in charge, and she's instantly put in command. 

To be honest, it wasn't that bad, but without going into details, there was a distinct lack of motivation, or solid r...
7/22/2020 9:48:56 AM
Had This Been An Actual Emergency...

I've been reading that a national EAS test is scheduled for later today. That brings back some memories. I worked in radio in the early-mid 1990s, back before there was digital anything. I was doing an air shift during a national test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This was back in the days of the Civil Defense. I had to open (dun, dun, DUN!) The Red Envelope. It was a direct simulation of what to do in the event of a national emergency. They sent us all instruc...

9/27/2017 8:54:31 AM
Seriously, Folks, It's Free Enterprise
This is something I wrote back in 1988. Apart from cleaning up formatting and fixing a couple of typos (we didn't have spell check in those days, and it was possible for copy editors to miss things) here it is in all its gory. I mean, glory:

I can't believe we're passing up on the marketing gimmick of a lifetime. 
It's little wonder that America, the land of the sort of free trade and the 
home of the Pet Rock, has become the Ro...
1/5/2016 10:00:58 AM
A Wordy Issue
Yes, words do matter, particularly for the applicant for a trademark for a rooster-shaped lollipop. While you consider the culinary merits of such a confection, do ponder on the implications of a name. 

Ah, yes. 

And it's no wonder the US patent and Trademark office denied an application to trademark the term...
12/19/2012 2:48:57 PM
A Little Web Geek Humor
A young JQuery script walks into a web form. The web form says, "you know I can't serve you until you locate your parent." Well, the JQuery script SEES its parent, but the web form demands it spell the parent's name out to the last letter. Trouble is, the parent comes from a long line Redmond nobility that bred itself with an open source strain. All of the families insisted that their names be part of the parent's name. Hey, even the parent had to constantly refer to its own ID. 

7/10/2012 2:33:46 PM
Welcome to the Undead!
While looking for a file today I ran across this. I'd forgotten all about it. I don't know what it was supposed to be destined for, or if I was just writing for fun. But I thought I'd share it with you.


Welcome to the Undead

Congratulations! You have survived! Welcome to our elite community.

No doubt you are confused, having very recently all but given yourself up for dead. Rejoice! You have transcended
3/15/2011 2:23:03 PM
So wrong, but so funny...
Darth Vader on the harmonica.

Tags: ...

10/9/2007 3:30:31 PM
The customer (dis)service line awaits
Damn and blast! This article got eaten in the Great Database Glitch of '06.

Double damn, because this was a humor piece I'd written. Maybe I've got it archived on the hard drive. I'll look.

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5/30/2006 9:48:00 AM
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Writing Progress
7/22/2020 9:48:56 AM

Had This Been An Actual Emergency...
9/27/2017 8:54:31 AM

Seriously, Folks, It's Free Enterprise
1/5/2016 10:00:58 AM

A Wordy Issue
12/19/2012 2:48:57 PM

A Little Web Geek Humor
7/10/2012 2:33:46 PM

Welcome to the Undead!
3/15/2011 2:23:03 PM

So wrong, but so funny...
10/9/2007 3:30:31 PM

The customer (dis)service line awaits
5/30/2006 9:48:00 AM

If empty please try again
Events and Appearances:
FenCon XX
2/14/2025  - 2/16/2025
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