Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Friday, January 19, 2007
It is a little warmer today. And for the first time in a week I could see the sun poking through the clouds.
On the way to school we spied someone pulled over by the local constabulary for (presumably) speeding through a school zone. There were two officers. One was standing at the back of the car, bundled up in a jacket and moving around to keep warm. The cop issuing the ticket stood there in shirt sleeves.
No, this isn't a stinging indictment of law enforcement. On the contrary, I'm happy to see them cracking down on school zones for once. What I'd like to know is what possesses some guys here in Texas to wander around in this weather without a coat. Is it a macho thing? Do they think their muscles protect them from the cold? I can tell you with confidence that fat sure as heck doesn't do much. I suppose some people have a "hot" metabolism.
Twenty minutes later. Had to run an inhaler down to Chris. Seems he didn't have one and the one he keeps in the nurse's office expired and it was tossed. But no one bothered to tell him. The nurse said she's seeing a lot of kids with allergy-type symptoms. They figure it's because of all of the construction going on at the campus. The school is building a huge addition to the arts building and most of the existing buildings are having their exteriors cleaned and repainted. The latter is long-overdue. The campus looks terrible - except for the side of the one building they've finished.
Now, where was I? Oh, crazy guys in Texas, but I was finished with that topic.
Zooomr fixed their upload issue. Yay!
But speaking of pictures, I seem to be missing a batch from spring. I have hard copies of some of them, but they're not on the desktop, the laptop, or the network. Let's hope I've got 'em on a backup.
I hope to spend the weekend doing a whole lot of nothing. After two-and-a-half months of deadlines and long days, I think I deserve a break. There are things I'd like to do to the site. And I still need to work on the RR challenge. Those tasks will be relaxing compared to what I've dealt with lately.
But for the rest of the day it's laundry and catching up on a few odds and ends. Oh, and Feline Friday. How could I forget that?
Have a good weekend, and thanks for dropping in!
Tags: Life