Welcome to

Stately Barrett Manor

You've found me!

I suppose you want to know something about me. Well, I spend my days slaving away over a hot keyboard, smokin' sewing machine, or a freaking laser. You've probably read some of my work although you wouldn't know it as ad copy is never credited. It does result in a paycheck, which spends just as well with or without the byline. In addition, I've been designing and writing copy for web sites since like forever. In Internet years, at least.

Life is now chronicled in a web journal. In fact, that's the best way to keep up with what's new around this site and at the Manor. That is, when I have the time to keep it up.

Old-time radio is a passion. In fact, I began my writing career on the radio of all places. I'm a founding member of the Generic Radio Workshop, which performed at many events over the past 40+ years (gulp!) In addition, I've performed with other local audio theatre groups. Check out some of our work at our Radio page.

I'm also the author of numerous published articles ranging from computer reviews to humor columns. My writing has appeared in print and online since the mid 1980s.

Yes, I admit it: I have indeed written fanfiction, and believe it's a good playground and learning tool. In fact, fanfiction led to the publication of Quantum Leap A-Z, a reference guide to the popular television series.

I also sit on the board of the Dallas Future Society. This is the group that puts on FenCon.

Check out the events list on the left to see what events I'll be attending. And if you'd like me (or the Generic Radio Workshop) to appear at your convention or event, drop me a line. And yes, I am available for hire. Use the contact button below.

Where else you can find me:

The Site Formerly Known as Twitter  
Steam Cat  (My handmade goods business!)
Generic Radio Workshop  
ko-fi  (If you feel like tossing a coin to your crafter, this is the place.)
Counter.Social  (I'm @JuliebB)
The Site Formerly Known as Twitter  

Events and Appearances:
Looks like I don't have any events on the horizon. Would you like me at yours? Contact me!