Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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Round Robin Photo Challenge: Flowers for Steven
This week's Round Robin Photo Challenge is Flowers for Steven

Steven was a prolific photoblogger. He was also human companion to a cat named Pickle. Steven ran the Feline Friday meme for a long time and he also helped with the Round Robin Challenge. A couple of weeks ago the Robins shared news of his passing and suggested posting fl...
5/5/2012 3:00:06 AM
Round Robin Challenge: About the Weather
Man, I keep missing these things popping up in the RSS reader. No one's fault but my own, obviously. It's a good thing I checked, because I'd contributed part of the suggestion for this week. Essentially, it's anything to do with the weather, but my suggestion was extreme weather, so I'll go with that.

I took this shot just a few moments ago. We're not in true drought conditions around here,
8/14/2010 3:59:46 AM
Round Robin Photo Challenge: Candlelight
How could I resist a challenge that involved playing with flame? Muhaha! Actually, I did a pretty good job until Thursday, when I finally hit on an idea. I was working on some ideas for a banner for a web site I was working on. Ultimately, I decided to stick with the existing art the client had on their main page. I still ended up with what I think was an interesting shot:

1/16/2010 9:56:57 AM
Round Robin Photo Challenge: Roots
This challenge was suggested by Vicki of Maraca:
"Roots. Everyone does gnarled branches, twisty trunks, and pretty flowers, but roots have a lot of character too."
I'd been desperately going through my archives since the camera started acting up. I have one from there and one I shot Friday when the camera decided to
1/2/2010 8:49:30 AM
Round Robin Photo Challenge: This Old Place
Show us someplace that's been around a long time, preferably 50 years or more.

This one was a bit of a challenge, because I tried to find an old building I hadn't published here before. I think I've found something. This appears to be an unregarded, cracked Victorian-era window:

3/22/2009 9:12:56 PM
Round Robin Challenge: The Color Purple
This challenge is from Vicki at Maraca.

Purple is hard to get, and it's certainly subtle in this photo of a wild garlic blossom:

Bee on Wild Garlic

My monitor isn't properly calibrated right now, so I hope
3/7/2009 12:18:10 AM
Round Robin Challenge: Light Moves
I have to apologize for the very late posting. We had some family things happen this week and a lot of stuff got put on hold. Everything's fine, but that means I have to dig into my archives rather than come up with something new. Sigh.

So, the challenge is Light Moves, and the idea is to show something about the quality of light. Let's see what I can dig up:

2/26/2009 3:02:48 PM
Round Robin Photo Challenge
The current challenge is "Not Of This Season." The idea is to shoot something out of season.

I suppose I could have dug a white purse out of the closet, but I decided to go outdoors to shoot some pictures. Friday happened to be an unseasonably warm day, with high temperatures nearing 80F. Of course, weather like this in the winter means a cold front is on the way. Saturday will be about thirty
1/24/2009 1:31:13 AM
Round Robin Photo Challenge
This challenge is "Camera Resolutions." The idea isn't to show off your megapixels, but to make some resolutions about things to shoot. Do one, and share the other two for their idea bank.

Okay. First up, "In The Corner." Shoot something in the corner of a room. Perhaps you'll find something more interesting than the dust bunnies that tend to lurk in mine. Here's what I came up with:

1/12/2009 1:23:10 PM
Round Robin Photo Challenge
This challenge is "It's Not Easy Being Green," and this was one of my suggestions.

It's not easy being green in the Texas summer. Take a look at this poor habanero plant:

The weather is starting to cool off just a bit, and some of the plants are starting to come back, such as t
9/20/2008 4:43:49 PM
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Round Robin Photo Challenge: Flowers for Steven
5/5/2012 3:00:06 AM

Round Robin Challenge: About the Weather
8/14/2010 3:59:46 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge: Candlelight
1/16/2010 9:56:57 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge: Roots
1/2/2010 8:49:30 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge: This Old Place
3/22/2009 9:12:56 PM

Round Robin Challenge: The Color Purple
3/7/2009 12:18:10 AM

Round Robin Challenge: Light Moves
2/26/2009 3:02:48 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
1/24/2009 1:31:13 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
1/12/2009 1:23:10 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
9/20/2008 4:43:49 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
6/27/2008 11:27:02 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge - Spring Cleaning
5/3/2008 10:15:33 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
1/12/2008 10:31:01 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
12/29/2007 6:07:26 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
11/30/2007 10:58:47 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
10/6/2007 11:00:35 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge: Fabulous Freaks of Nature
6/13/2007 7:31:26 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
4/18/2007 8:18:56 AM

Round Robin Challenge - Nature
3/21/2007 7:35:40 AM

Round Robin Challenge - The Hand ... Untouched!
3/7/2007 4:00:10 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
2/21/2007 7:15:55 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge: "Cold"
2/7/2007 7:11:08 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
12/28/2006 4:21:29 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
12/13/2006 9:30:13 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
11/15/2006 8:03:21 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
11/1/2006 9:20:30 PM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
10/18/2006 7:12:45 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
10/4/2006 8:29:52 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
9/6/2006 7:12:32 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
8/23/2006 7:09:26 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
7/26/2006 12:29:21 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
7/12/2006 8:20:22 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
6/28/2006 8:41:00 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
6/14/2006 8:31:20 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge
5/24/2006 10:39:15 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge - "Free"
5/15/2006 10:36:00 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge - "Holy"
4/25/2006 9:48:38 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge - "New Life"
4/12/2006 9:37:43 AM

Round Robin Photo Challenge - "Obstruction"
3/29/2006 9:23:02 AM

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