Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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May Challenge - Day 30

Thirsty Thumb

Thirsty Thumb.

Not the best of the batch, but imagine how it would have looked AFTER a beer! ;-)

Paul and I got on the bike and went up to The Londoner in McKinney for lunch. Chris had my point-and-shoot, and it was too hot to sling the DSLR pack over my back. I...

6/1/2008 3:49:22 PM
May Challenge: Day 30

Thumb Drive

Thumb Drive!

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5/30/2008 2:23:33 PM
May Challenge - Day 29



This is a chanter used to practice bagpipes. No, I don't play the pipes, but I was hoping to learn at one time. Sadly, the best sound I seem to be able to produce is something not unlike a pig with digestive issues.

Tags: 5/29/2008 2:36:20 PM

May Challenge - Day 28


Yes, it's a thumbtack.

There are still three more days of this. ;-)

Tags: ,

5/28/2008 1:37:16 PM
May Challenge - Days 25-27

The challenge for this week is "thumb." I'm catching up because I took the holiday off. Fancy that.

Hoopy Frood

She's a hoopy frood who knows where her towel is!


5/27/2008 12:49:36 PM
May Challenge - Days 23 and 24

Seven clover leaves

Seven clover leaves.

Seven blind slats, reflracted 5/24/2008 6:19:17 PM

May Challenge: Day 22

Seven Palms

Seven palms on the corner of a rug on my patio.

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5/22/2008 3:36:30 PM
May Challenge - Days 20 and 21

Grr. I let yesterday get away from me. I did shoot before bed, but was to tired to process. The stuff looked good on the viewscreen, but you know how that goes. So I reshot today. The first picture is what I'd have liked to have shot yesterday anyway. So I guess it all worked out.

Seven Layers of Flowers 5/21/2008 4:04:11 PM

May Challenge Days 16-19

Yes, I'm cheating, but I caught up today. I think I have a good reason. See this entry. So before my arm falls off, here the are.

First, the two "shoe" entries:


Shoe Logo 5/19/2008 2:30:08 PM

May Challenge - Day 15



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5/15/2008 11:38:36 AM
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May Challenge - Day 30
6/1/2008 3:49:22 PM

May Challenge: Day 30
5/30/2008 2:23:33 PM

May Challenge - Day 29
5/29/2008 2:36:20 PM

May Challenge - Day 28
5/28/2008 1:37:16 PM

May Challenge - Days 25-27
5/27/2008 12:49:36 PM

May Challenge - Days 23 and 24
5/24/2008 6:19:17 PM

May Challenge: Day 22
5/22/2008 3:36:30 PM

May Challenge - Days 20 and 21
5/21/2008 4:04:11 PM

May Challenge Days 16-19
5/19/2008 2:30:08 PM

May Challenge - Day 15
5/15/2008 11:38:36 AM

May Challenge: Day 14
5/14/2008 2:48:15 PM

May Challenge: Days 11-13
5/13/2008 11:07:13 AM

May Challenge - Day 10
5/10/2008 5:30:37 PM

May Photo Challenge - Day 9
5/9/2008 4:44:23 PM

Catching up on Photochallenge Pics...
5/6/2008 10:41:09 PM

May Challenge - Day 3
5/3/2008 7:35:44 PM

May Challenge Day 2
5/2/2008 2:51:35 PM

May Challenge - Day 1
5/1/2008 4:02:26 PM

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