Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, February 16, 2007

The dark clouds have moved out, and we had a hard freeze. Fourteen degrees! Oh, I know that's nuttin' if you live up north, but that's danged cold here. Fortunately the buds on the fruit trees are just barely starting. Heck, a year ago we already had blooms emerging - then we got hit with a very bad freeze.

So here's one fruit tree this morning:

Signs of Spring 1Signs of Spring 1 Hosted on Zooomr

Another tree in the back yard:

Signs of Spring 2Signs of Spring 2 Hosted on Zooomr

Signs of Spring 3Signs of Spring 3 Hosted on Zooomr

I also saw the fat robin sitting on a utility wire - a sure sign that spring is on the way. Paul is convinced that means the lawn will have to be mowed now. He has a fat robin that follows him around when he mows. It's a bold little bird: the lawn mower doesn't bother it at all. Paul's theory is that it's going after seeds. Probably true.

Well, I think I'm going to take the Vista plunge this weekend. The big decision is whether to go with the 32-bit or 64-bit version. I'll have to think about it. I've already decided that this is a good time to upgrade to a new SATA drive. Chris really likes his SATA drive and reports that he does see an increase in performance. This is a kid who has his system bogged down with all sorts of stuff, so that's a good sign.

Off to do laundry, then clean house. The creative problem solving team will be in all weekend so I need to be sure they have plenty of room. At least the forecast is for warmer temperatures so they can work outdoors if they wish. Me, I'll just stay inside.

Oh, one bit of cool news: FOX has renewed House. Much rejoicing.

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