Gravatar Karen Funk Blocher said:
I'm amazed you need this so early in life! (If you're old, then I'm old, and I can't be old, so....) Scary stuff, but I've heard lots of good things from people who had it done.
Date: 9/28/2012 9:46:16 PM

Gravatar Julie said:
Karen, my cataracts (plural, They think another is on the way) are due to high myopia. Both my eye doctor and the surgeon tell me I'm on the low end of the bell curve for getting cataracts. In other words, not common for someone my age, but not terribly unusual, either. 

I've heard good things, too. But as tired as I was, coming off of our convention (and Chicon before that, and two more coming up in October), I wasn't amused with the idea of having to make yet another decision. At least it didn't have to be a snap decision. 

Date: 9/29/2012 8:39:31 AM

Gravatar Karen Funk Blocher said:
I'm amazed you need this so early in life! (If you're old, then I'm old, and I can't be old, so....) Scary stuff, but I've heard lots of good things from people who had it done.
Date: 9/28/2012 9:46:16 PM

Gravatar Julie said:
Karen, my cataracts (plural, They think another is on the way) are due to high myopia. Both my eye doctor and the surgeon tell me I'm on the low end of the bell curve for getting cataracts. In other words, not common for someone my age, but not terribly unusual, either. 

I've heard good things, too. But as tired as I was, coming off of our convention (and Chicon before that, and two more coming up in October), I wasn't amused with the idea of having to make yet another decision. At least it didn't have to be a snap decision. 

Date: 9/29/2012 8:39:31 AM


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